Plus, customers can now choose a data only plan without signing up for a two-year service agreement or commit to paying for monthly packages of data they may or may not use every month.
The new CHOICE data access plans give customers the unique flexibility to use personal and public Wi-Fi networks for free and only buy a C Spire data pass when needed and with the right amount of data based on their individual needs. These simple plans, which became available July 9 on the nation's only personalized network, provide C Spire Mi-Fi, data card and netbook users the choice to use and pay for as much or as little data as they want – giving them personalized data access that's customized for them. (July 11, 2012) – C Spire Wireless, the only wireless provider with a suite of personalized individual and family voice and data plans, today introduced its new CHOICE data access plans that allow users even greater choice and flexibility to personalize their data service on C Spire broadband devices. With New C Spire Data Passes for Mi-Fi Devices, Data Cards and Netbooks, Users Get The Right Amount of Data When They Need It – Personalizing the Data Access Experience C SPIRE WIRELESS DEBUTS NEW PERSONALIZED DATA PASSES FOR MI-FI, NETBOOK AND DATA CARD USERS